

As part of each individual relocation programme to Australia

Support and guidance from initial counselling to visa issuance
Full programme development and implementation
The immigration programme is tailor-made for each client depending on their background.

The goal is to move to Australia in the shortest possible time to live and work in a profession with minimal expenditure of nerves and money.
The lawyers work out each document in detail in strict compliance with the requirements.

The aim is to shorten the time it takes to obtain visas and prevent the case from being delayed by correspondence with the responsible organisations.
If necessary, the programme is adapted to current changes in migration rules.

The aim is to be one step ahead of upcoming possible changes and to flexibly modify the case for them in advance for 100% success of the programme.
Strategic planning of the path of immigration programme
to ensure your presence in Australia
raise your English to a minimum level
find an employer and get a visa
get permanent residency
Purpose of the package programme


To prepare the programme, we will need data on

  • Age
  • Education level
  • Your speciality and experience in it
  • English language level
We will work with you to prepare the correct visa application package:

  • We will correctly fill in the visa application form;
  • Send proof of enrolment (CoE);
  • Proof of financial solvency;
  • We will prepare the Genuine Student (GS) Application;
  • Select Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
Preparing a package of documents and applying for a student visa
Free consultation and preparation of your individual relocation programme
We’ll help you quickly settle into Australian society

  • We’ll meet you at the airport
  • We can help you find cheap accommodation;
  • Help you get a PhotoID (identity card)
  • We can help you open a bank account
  • Help you get a Taxpayer Identification Number (TFN and ABN)
Your arrival to Australia
We will work with you to prepare the right visa application package.

  • Filled application form;
  • Documents proving work experience, with correct translation ;
  • Documents proving the level of education, with correct translation;
  • Documents proving work experience in Australia
Preparation of a package of documents and submission for confirmation of profession
Help with employment and finding an employer who can sponsor your immigration.

We help you to solve all issues with your educational institution
While you're studying
  • We will work with you to prepare the right visa application package
  • We will assess the employer for sponsorship opportunities.
  • We will assist the employer in applying for sponsorship and approving the nomination of the position.
  • Prepare and submit visa applications
As soon as an employer is found, we prepare a package of documents for obtaining a work visa

Why is a package programme the best way to immigrate to Australia?

  • The vast majority of immigration is by switching from any temporary work visa to permanent residence visas

  • So - having a job and an employer is a critical element of your move to Australia.
  • It is virtually impossible to find an employer if you are outside of Australia

  • Hence, your presence in Australia increases your chances of getting a job many times over.

  • In addition, without the minimum required level of English you will not be able to interview and work, and obtaining visas is also tied to your English level.

  • The easiest and least expensive way to physically be in Australia is to attend an English language course or study at an Australian college.

Just 6 simple steps to move to the country of your dreams — Australia

A package programme of relocation and immigration to Australia can save you a lot of money

All the steps are tailored to ensure that you immigrate to Australia as quickly and cost-effectively as possible

By choosing the package route of relocation and immigration
you pay only the costs
Australian tuition, insurance and fees.
All other services you receive
for free!
Payment only on receipt/nomination for a work or professional visa
ООО “Эйт Квинс Иммигрэйшен Консалтанси”
ОГРН 0000 0000 0000
Юр. адрес 105203, Москва, 14-я Парковая ул, дом 8, помещение 8/5
Тел: +7 000 00 00
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